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Class 110 DMU
E51813, E59701, E51842
Status: Stored, awaiting attention
Livery: BR Green, Small Yellow Panels
DMBC E51813
Driving Motor Brake Composite
Built: 1959 BRCW Lot No30592
Traction Type: Diesel-Mechanical
Transmission: 2x Wilson 4-Speed
Epicyclic Gearbox
Power Unit: 2x Rolls Royce C6NFLH
Power Output: 2x 180 HP
Max Speed: 70 MPH
Train Brakes: Vacuum Only
Train Heating: 2x Smiths Heater
Weight: 32 Tons
Length: 57' 6"
Height: 12' 9"
Width: 9' 3"
DMCL E51842
Driving Motor Composite with Lavatory
Details as E51813 other than:
Built: 1959 BRCW Lot 30593
TSL E59701
Trailer Second with Lavatory
Built: 1959 BRCW Lot No30594
Weight: 24 Tons
Commonly known as 'Calder Valley' units, the first 20 Class 110s were allocated to Bradford Hammerton Street depot. The second batch were delivered new to Manchester's Newton Heath. The whole class reverted to Bradford in the mid 1970s and, on closure, to Leeds Neville Hill in 1984. Introduction of '2nd Generation' Class 150 DMUs during the mid 1980s saw the 110 sets withdrawn, the last sets surving until 1989.

E51813 and E51842 started their life in preservation at the East Lancashire Railway, arriving in March 1990, first used for passenger traffic on March 2nd 1991. The TSL centre car, 59701, was aquired in 1994, a rare survivor as most of these were withdrawn in 1982. Only one other Class 110 set survives, 57071 and 52077, based at the Lakeside and Haverthwaite.

2003 saw the set relocated to the Wensleydale Railway where it remained until 2016 when an agreement to return to the ELR was reached. Centre car E59701 was first to arrive, in February, followed by both power cars in November.

E59701 was quickly restored to operational condition, being deployed as a centre car with the operational Class 117 unit W51339 & W51382 towards the end of 2016.

Next, the power cars. E51842 was first in the queue and saw considerable attention, especially to the cab area where BRCW units commonly suffer with corrosion from water ingress. The team worked tirelessly, completing '42 by July 2017. E51813 was next into works and again cab rot was high on the list along with general refurbishment.

November 2017 saw both power cars restored and reunited with TSL E59701 ready to take part in the DMU Gala Weekend, 4th and 5th of November. The 110 is currently stored, effectively serviceable but requires attention to the multiple working system, along with a few other minor repairs.

110 Calder Valley DMU Facebook

Bury Unit Team Facebook

ELR Events

There are a wide range of events at the East Lancashire Railway ranging from Family and Education, Re-enactments, Sci-Fi, Transport and Collector's Fairs.

Selected events are shown below. See the ELR Website for the full event schedule including Family Events.

Event Date(s)
Legends of Steam Friday 14th to Sunday 16th March
Western Region Weekend
Mixed Traction featuring D7076, D832, 45108, 50015, W55001 plus Steam Locos 34081 92 Squadron and 34092 City of Wells
Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th April
Day Out with Thomas Saturday 3rd to Monday 5th May
Summer Diesel Gala Thursday 3rd to Sunday 6th July
Day Out with Thomas Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd August
Railway 200 Celebration Weekend Friday 12th to Sunday 14th September
Day Out with Thomas Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th October
Autumn Steam Gala Friday 17th to Sunday 19th October
DMU Gala Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th November

All events subject to availability
While every effort will be made to ensure events take place as advertised, rostered locos or units are available and running to the advertised timetable, the ELR reserves the right to cancel or terminate without prior notice.

ELR Website
Check out the ELR Website for the full event schedule.