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Class 08 08479/D3594/13594
Status: Operational
Livery: BR Black
Running No: 13594
Built: 1958 BR Horwich
Traction Type: Diesel-Electric
Equipment: English Electric
Power Unit: English Electric 6KT
Power Output: 350 HP
Max Speed: 15 MPH
Wheel Arr: 0-6-0
Train Brakes: Vacuum Only
Weight: 50 Tons
Length: 29' 3"
Height: 12' 8½"
Width: 8' 6"
Although built in the North West at Horwich Works on the outskirts of Bolton, D3594 spent her entire BR career in the West of England and South Wales, the vast majority based around Cardiff and Newport with a spell at Newton Abbot. She became 08479 during 1974 as part of the TOPS renumbering scheme.

08479 was withdrawn from traffic in November 1991 at Cardiff Canton, entering preservation in 1993 and relocating to the ELR. For much of its ELR life 08479 ran in the BR Blue it was withdrawn in and was for many years arguably the hardest working loco based at Bury.

Running in fictional BR Black livery and numbered 13594, the loco forms part of the Baron Street Works pilot team with MSC 4002 and sees occasional usage as required.

ELR Events

There are a wide range of events at the East Lancashire Railway ranging from Family and Education, Re-enactments, Sci-Fi, Transport and Collector's Fairs.

Selected events are shown below. See the ELR Website for the full event schedule including Family Events.

Event Date(s)
Legends of Steam Friday 14th to Sunday 16th March
Western Region Weekend
Mixed Traction featuring D7076, D832, 45108, 50015, W55001 plus Steam Locos 34081 92 Squadron and 34092 City of Wells
Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th April
Day Out with Thomas Saturday 3rd to Monday 5th May
Summer Diesel Gala Thursday 3rd to Sunday 6th July
Day Out with Thomas Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd August
Railway 200 Celebration Weekend Friday 12th to Sunday 14th September
Day Out with Thomas Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th October
Autumn Steam Gala Friday 17th to Sunday 19th October
DMU Gala Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th November

All events subject to availability
While every effort will be made to ensure events take place as advertised, rostered locos or units are available and running to the advertised timetable, the ELR reserves the right to cancel or terminate without prior notice.

ELR Website
Check out the ELR Website for the full event schedule.